Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
I'll never buy 30 keystone lights again. I'll never try 13 vicodin again
Chicago update numero dos:
Still unemployed. bummer.
all i really want to do is work at whole foods. that's lame, i know. i don't care.
everyone else is getting lucky so my time is coming soon, i hope.
anna is living with us for a while. that's pretty cool.
i don't have a workspace yet but once i get it set up, this will be my next painting.
As much as I've always wanted to go to a proper ramen house, i'm still a vegetarian pussy. made some pretty legit stuff at home though.
Still unemployed. bummer.
all i really want to do is work at whole foods. that's lame, i know. i don't care.
everyone else is getting lucky so my time is coming soon, i hope.
anna is living with us for a while. that's pretty cool.
Went to the MCA. saw some raymond pettibon, that was pretty cool. I need to make it to the art institute soon. been skating a lot lately. barging through the city is probably the best thing ever. good shows coming up. teenage bottlerocket tomorrow. c u there.
kissy kissy <3
kissy kissy <3
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Everything dies baby that's a fact
Friday, February 19, 2010
Howdy, dudes and dudettes. It's been a while. I had a post started of my "best albums of 09" earlier last month but fuck that, it's abd. That's skate talk for "already been done". Anyway, here's a bunch of gay shit I've been up to.
This is an actual search string I used the other day. I got an emulator so I've been playing some serious NES. Fuck Burger Time anyway, Donkey Kong is where it's at.
Oh shit, 'sup Mario. Played this one? Didn't think so. Wrecking Crew.
Played this one? Doubt it. Devil World, released only in Japan and Europe due to its quasi-religious imagery and designed by Miyamoto himself.

Here's some shots of my "studio" and the art-related shit I've been doing seeing as how I'm graduating soon with my BFA in drawing. Christ.
My work space. That means the floor I covered with trash bags with all my supplies littered everywhere.
Sneak peek at what I'm unleashing come May. That means any friends that read this, the first week of May is my senior show and you should set aside time to come because that would make me super happy. Details/postcards coming soon.
Chris McCaughrhtnrhahna who is in some shit band called the Lawrence Arms played a bunch of pussy songs about women or some shit. I think at one point Kyle yelled something about him being a "skinny dick bich" or something. Heckling Chicago legends who are in your favorite band is pretty fun. Reaganomics played this show too and they ruled. They have songs about cats and how drinking is better than going to work and about college students being pussies for whining about homework and drinking light beers.
After waking up still drunk on Saturday, eating brunch at the Handlebar where I hair of the dogged it, Chicago style, with a tall boy Old Style, we hung out at Kyle's and watched Beavis and Butthead and Lionheart.
The wealth that can be acquired working delivery shifts at China Ex.

So yeah, that was midwest Mecca, Chi-town. The next few are stragglers that are old and that I'm too lazy to move up to the top.

Wait, what is tonight? Oh, Friday? What I am up to on the beginning of my weekend? Blogging and drinking beer and flipping things off.
Oh yeah, a few weeks ago I went up to Chicago to visit my infinite bros Kyle and Peter and Chase and go to some gay punk rock show. Here's the account of that. It is is no order.
I'll call this "A Formal Apology to Peter Kennedy Cavanaugh For Shoving A Camera In His Face All Night" or "Let's Play Death Chant Next Time".
So yeah, that was midwest Mecca, Chi-town. The next few are stragglers that are old and that I'm too lazy to move up to the top.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I doubt I'll ever leave this place for years.
It's kind of stupid to do a best albums so far this year in November, because next month is December and then the year is over, which means there's still some shit yet to be released whatevz, I'm bored and Kyle kind of did this a few posts ago. Speaking of Kyle, he's been posting increasingly about how punk rules. To save the trouble of me explaining, read it. There's a link to it on here. I like when he talks about this. It reminds me of that one time I had friends I could talk to music about. Well, at least music I cared about. That's hard to do here at ol' Ball State. No one likes punk. Unless by punk, you overgeneralize with hardcore or some shit. I've seen a few kids who look punk this year, but they look like street punks or something. Or that they're into Anti-Flag. I saw this kid at a party a while back that had a Jawbreaker shirt on and I tried to tell him it ruled but he sucked and was either too taken aback by my excitement or just a turd. Either way, it was right after Good Luck played at the Back to School show at VGR. That show was fun. I got drunk off of beers in Jimmy John's cups and maybe a few drinks at Mad Hatter and then screamed every song. I was the only person besides Zach Melton and the band Good Luck toured with that knew them. Kind of a bummer considering three years ago, Muncie would have been all over them. Oh well... where was I? Oh yeah, albums so far this year:
We'll start with 7"s
Lawrence Arms - Buttsweat and Tears
Lemuria - Ozzy.
I liked the Strike Anywhere one, Iron Front. But just the 7".
Get Bent is broken up but I think the Dead It EP was just released like a month or so ago. If that's the case, that album is good. I like it better than the new Iron Chic.
Full lengths
Banner Pilot - Collapser duh.
Cobra Skulls - American Rubicon
I think the Chris Wollard album was actually released this year even though I had it way before but that one was good.
That may be it. This will be revised later obviously. Good bands have released mediocre stuff this year though. Teenage Bottlerocket was only alright. Dead to Me sucked. Chuck Ragan was boring. Lucero wasn't bad but I wouldn't say I loved it like these others. The new Andrew Jackson Jihad is alright. Non-punk stuff? The new Baroness is pretty badass. The new Graf Orlock was pretty alright. Have you guys heard Lady Gaga? Holy shit, so fucking good. Oh man, I cannot get enough of her/him. I mean, definitely the best.
That's all I've got really. Oh yeah, I got a Dreamcast for my birthday and I thought I'd be able to burn games but fuck that. I've wasted so many CD-Rs so far and gotten nowhere. Looks like I'm paying for them. Also, I went to Dave and Buster's for my birthday and that place is badass. I just wish they would have had some fighters. Okayi'mdonebye.
We'll start with 7"s
Lawrence Arms - Buttsweat and Tears
Lemuria - Ozzy.
I liked the Strike Anywhere one, Iron Front. But just the 7".
Get Bent is broken up but I think the Dead It EP was just released like a month or so ago. If that's the case, that album is good. I like it better than the new Iron Chic.
Full lengths
Banner Pilot - Collapser duh.
Cobra Skulls - American Rubicon
I think the Chris Wollard album was actually released this year even though I had it way before but that one was good.
That may be it. This will be revised later obviously. Good bands have released mediocre stuff this year though. Teenage Bottlerocket was only alright. Dead to Me sucked. Chuck Ragan was boring. Lucero wasn't bad but I wouldn't say I loved it like these others. The new Andrew Jackson Jihad is alright. Non-punk stuff? The new Baroness is pretty badass. The new Graf Orlock was pretty alright. Have you guys heard Lady Gaga? Holy shit, so fucking good. Oh man, I cannot get enough of her/him. I mean, definitely the best.
That's all I've got really. Oh yeah, I got a Dreamcast for my birthday and I thought I'd be able to burn games but fuck that. I've wasted so many CD-Rs so far and gotten nowhere. Looks like I'm paying for them. Also, I went to Dave and Buster's for my birthday and that place is badass. I just wish they would have had some fighters. Okayi'mdonebye.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
If you're gonna do a nose wheelie, fuckin' do a nose wheelie, bro!
Knocked two more off the summer reading list: Crack Up At the Race Riots and Bright Lights, Big City. Race Riots read pretty much like the screenplay for Gummo would. Not much more than a collection of sentences. Some were funny. Bright Lights was written by Jay McInerney, a supposed member of the "literary Brat Pack". Ellis, Tama Janowitz, and McInerney amongst others comprised this group and had little in common other than they were young, hip people writing about young, hip people. Bright Lights is if Less Than Zero were written in second person and Clay were a likable character. Or at least had any feelings. Whatevz, now I'm reading some Raymond Carver short stories. moving onnnnnn from snoozeville...
here's a cool guy I found:
I guess I'll do another day of tour de Californie. This one is short but I'll be back next time with LA.
My aunt took the day off and we spent the afternoon in Laguna visiting all the stupid little shops and watching teens head towards the beach to... well, surf or maybe get high or lay out and tan their hides or whatever it is kids do there.
This is a way cool license plate on a way cool and affordable Infiniti SUV. sike! You'd be amazed how few old vehicles exist in a town like Laguna. Everything on the road is post '08.
Speaking of cars, here's our whip during our stay. Nissan Shitter complete with missing wheel cover. Peep the next picture for evidence. When the rental car lady was showing me this car, she said "Are you sure you don't want something a little nicer? Maybe a convertible or something?" I proceeded to tell her how I have hundreds of millions of dollars in assets but I like to keep a low profile, nawmean?
kewl, thanks Enterprise!
This is probably Young Weezy or some shit.
This is my brother. Getting fresh for the art fair.
There is a summer long arts and crafts fair in the Laguna area. This is where we spent the evening, looking at old burnouts' endless beach paintings, crappy housewives' stupid jewlery and tons of discerning people walking around with wine making stupid comments. etc etc etc. Oh, and this band that played covers of 60s and 70s rock songs, complete with the tiniest baby man with a flame shirt and shredding so hard.
This guy made these weird replicas of old masters work with built up fabric and paint. It was kind of cool but his artist's statement was so dumb. Also, I touched this and a chunk fell off.
here's a cool guy I found:

My aunt took the day off and we spent the afternoon in Laguna visiting all the stupid little shops and watching teens head towards the beach to... well, surf or maybe get high or lay out and tan their hides or whatever it is kids do there.
There is a summer long arts and crafts fair in the Laguna area. This is where we spent the evening, looking at old burnouts' endless beach paintings, crappy housewives' stupid jewlery and tons of discerning people walking around with wine making stupid comments. etc etc etc. Oh, and this band that played covers of 60s and 70s rock songs, complete with the tiniest baby man with a flame shirt and shredding so hard.
I think that's all I've got. The kids move back tomorrow. I hate move-in week so much. Fuck it. If nothing else, I'll get to see some underager get busted.
Umm, alright. L8.
Umm, alright. L8.
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