Saturday, August 30, 2008

And what do we learn? To kill better.

This is supposed to be Creole Kid, the Village's latest addition. Minus a flash, it looks like puke on a plate.

Schlitz. Blatz. Schaefer. Carling's Black Label. Punk rock.

Thanks, Annazone.

Lost up Knob Creek without a paddle. It took a little more than an hour to finish this.

Dave was in town for the big VGR show. Justin actually had to tell him to close his eyes for this picture because if they were open, people would question its authenticity.

Justin and I went middle school (and in my case, high school) on our dry erase board with Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z. KAMEHAMEHA!

Bar's water must be out again.

Kyle and the Org Special. Whiskey in one hand, Pabst in the other.

Mo's resident pool shark, Big Ben.

Babez looking psyched.

-Neil, why so chipper? You just had to work the door all night.
-I heard Whitney pays well. Wink.

There was a story behind this dude. I can't remember what it was, but I do remember him seeming super gay and flailing about the bar all night.

Red shirt headbutted me, knocked my pool stick in mid shot, and aimlessly wandered all night. I think something finally clicked that he was too wasted to be functioning and he dipped. Piece, brah!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fresh like a box of Krispy Kremes

This was just the dance floor. There twice this many people scattered around the house. Not too shabby for our first party. The Greenhouse is still alive and kicking.

DJ Harv killed it.

There was a séance going on out back. Or a pow wow because I'm pretty sure there were drugs involved.


I was trying to take a picture of Abe's coozie, but I blew it.

Chase with his face cut off because my photography skills were on point.


The house potion was gone by like 1. Mike said that was a record.

We did not put this sticker here.

Abe is a pretty good example of how pretty much everyone looked. It was super hot. Thank god the cops shut us down. Thanks to the police and our neighbors. YART! WOOP WOOP, that's the sound of the police. The dudes also talked shit on Old Style while they were leaving with the biggest boners they'll have in a while.

The Hella DVD played on the big screen all night. I also played the Lightning Bolt DVD. Justin was the only one who really appreciated either.

Dustyn came just in time for the music to be done. Sorry, brah.

Gavin and Jessie, the last of our guests. Incidentally, they were also the first.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm on the Dyno with the black mags

Typically your trainer will give you advice on how to defeat your opponent. This is what he told me.
-Note- I haven't played Punch Out in a while and forgot how to beat this fat fuck.


Pro status.

This is either a) Peter Cavanaugh's vomit or b) a burnt up bag of hamburger maggot shit.

Beauty salon! What up Forster?
-Note- Forster is not a spelling error.

Red curry.

Compliments of Steve. Beam's Eight Star: a sign of quality. Not to be confused with real Jim Beam, this stuff was eight bucks a pint.


Evan loves boooooze!

This happy couple just got married!

People have been stealing my camera a lot lately.

Steve-boy's last night in town. Good luck in Omaha, my dude!

Gay-ree. I wish this picture were better so you could see his iced out gauges.

Bad picture, but Forster loves eating hot dogs with Nunchunks that were cooked by the devil. Nice one, Evan.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I want something else, to get me through this semi-charmed kinda life

I hear Foster's is Australian for piss.

Thanks, Mags!

Not David Cross.

Get some gears, dude. This is right after Peter hauled balls at about 80 mph to catch up to some bros that just heckled us.

I'm pretty sure this is Anna's glow stick handlebar mustache.

Where's this place at and why am I not there?

Chong spotting.


I think the dude that drew this was talking about C.S. Lewis all night.

Obligatory Kyle face.

Peace out, Lou. Have fun in D.C. with one of the nation's biggest homeless populations. And Bad Brains' hometown.

Candid? Yart!

This is approximately 20 seconds before Peter hocked a loogie at me. Thanks bro.

Megan stole my camera. Rockin' the right sweatshirt, Walsh.

Anna with fake glasses. Megan creeeeeping.

I'm not sure what I was trying to take a picture of, but you can see Bechtel macking hardcore.