This is supposed to be Creole Kid, the Village's latest addition. Minus a flash, it looks like puke on a plate.

Schlitz. Blatz. Schaefer. Carling's Black Label. Punk rock.

Thanks, Annazone.

Lost up Knob Creek without a paddle. It took a little more than an hour to finish this.

Dave was in town for the big VGR show. Justin actually had to tell him to close his eyes for this picture because if they were open, people would question its authenticity.

Justin and I went middle school (and in my case, high school) on our dry erase board with Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z. KAMEHAMEHA!

Bar's water must be out again.

Kyle and the Org Special. Whiskey in one hand, Pabst in the other.

Mo's resident pool shark, Big Ben.

Babez looking psyched.

-Neil, why so chipper? You just had to work the door all night.
-I heard Whitney pays well. Wink.

There was a story behind this dude. I can't remember what it was, but I do remember him seeming super gay and flailing about the bar all night.

Red shirt headbutted me, knocked my pool stick in mid shot, and aimlessly wandered all night. I think something finally clicked that he was too wasted to be functioning and he dipped. Piece, brah!