We all know that myspace is a shitty forum for shitty metalcore bands to gain relative notoriety amongst other bands/shithead kids who are into the same stuff. At Dawn, There Will Be Blood can friend The Blackest Plague and they can pretend to book a show together. They're 17 (or 25?) and (hopefully) they'll grow up soon and realize that metalcore sucks and move onto better things. They can take promo shots with their hyper-styled hair and white belts and myspace girls will cream their shorts and the rest of the world goes on, unaffected. I have no problem with this.
I cannot even remember the events that led me to look at this on last.fm, but here I find myself looking at a band called Porcelain and the Tramps. Wait, what?!?! Porcelain and the Tramps?! This cannot be serious. I mean look at this person.

Are you fucking shitting me? Nevermind the purple hair. People are still into that whole gas mask aesthetic? Oh wait, I think I recall seeing a photo just like this in AJ yesterday. ooooooh, harsh. Straight from last.fm:
"she had the talent of singing, rapping, and dancing. But of course being a white female with blonde hair and blue-greenish eyes, she wasn’t taken too seriously." Christ. "Until the age of nine she grew up on the streets of 8 Mile". STREET CRED.
So like all other "bands" that gain their popularity on myspace this person does not have an actual album. So how, on last.fm, does the song "Fuck Like a Star" gain almost 4000 plays over the past 6 months? HOW?!?! Are they actually downloading the song off of myspace? That's a logical explanation but then how are there songs with 2000 plays that aren't currently on her myspace? I'm so perplexed right now, I can feel my body shut down.
Imagine being one of these kids, the ones who really dig Brokencyde (BC13!!) and wear all the bright colors and have fucked up hair and the high tops and shit, at age 20. That is equivalent to us being bummed on Korn or something. We were so into it in middle school but now it's just kind of embarassing. The question is, do these kids even stand a chance of moving on and finding even slightly better music? Not to say that they'll be into Hollywood Undead for the of their lives but just another version of it. Well, they might still be into Hollywood Undead in four years if that band had any staying power. But they don't, they'll be a blip on myspace's god awful radar, and the kids will move onto whatever shitty thing they can find next.
I could go on about this for days, but I'll spare myself having to think about this anymore. One last note, I found this kid that goes under the moniker Dot Dot Curve [ :) get it?!?!?hahahaha] that is from Greenwood. That is the perfect metaphor for what I've been talking about.
Fuck, I'm going to listen to Dillinger Four.