I woke up and smoked at 4:20 a.m. and every 5 minutes after that for 4 hours straight. A-b-b-b-baked, bruhhhh. You know Taco Bell fourth meal? I had first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh meal, man. I think I spent something like $114 at the T-Bell alone. I was up on dem message boards all day, talkin' 'bout "legalize that shit" and shit. And I smoked some more weed. Then about noon, my package arrived by UPS. It was that Hindu Kush I special ordered. Shit yeah!!! Got out the four footer for that one. Me and Jeff were filling that chamber like it wasn't no thing. KGB dude! Then Jeff checked the keef trap in the grinder, and fuuuuuuuukkkkkk! FULL! Busted out the piece, the honeycomb dude!, and filled like three bowls of the keef. FUUUUUUUCKKKKKKEEEEEEDDDD UPPPPPPPPPPPPP. I went into this weed-induced stupor where all I could do was talk about how high I was and I went into the kitchen and made some pasta and put doritos and chocolate syrup and maple syrup and then I stuck a frozen burrito in the middle of it all. Best shit I ever ate. Then we put the Bob Marley on and smoked 5 or 6 bowls to him, all bummed he had to get killed and miss the holiday, ya know? Then I cried a little. Then I threw up. That was from that chocolate maple burrito dorito pasta shit, man. I ain't no bitch who pukes from being too high. Then we just spaced out to Family Guy for like 2 hours or some shit. Then we smoked like 4 bowls or something, and I fell asleep. 4/20 rules so hard! Can't wait til next year!!!!