The title of this post is from a Beastie Boys song. It's off of Paul's Boutique. This is one of the albums I listened to during my vacation. I also listened to:
The Buzzcocks - Another Music in a Different Kitchen
Campaign - H1N1. Several times.
The Menzingers - Hold on Dodge
Nirvana - In Utero
Braid - Frame and Canvas
Waxwing - Nobody Can Take What Everybody Owns
I forgot to bring CDs to listen to in our rental car. California radio sucks unless you like MGMT or things that X103 plays, so we stole some from my uncle which I'm guessing were his sons and not his, although I could be wrong about that. They were as follows:
Suicidal Tendencies - The Art of Rebellion
Neil Young - Harvest Moon
Pearl Jam - Vs.
Vacation was fun. We did cool things. The weather was nice. The weather was better than nice. It never even looked like there might be a chance of rain. It was in the 70s except Inland, it was in the high 90s. While white people make up over 70% of California's population, it often felt much, much less than that. All of the dudes look the same. All of the girls look the same. This was odd because no one was particularly or excessively attractive. They had muscles. And they had tans. Everyone looks like a skateboarder so it was impossible to tell who actually skated. Skateboarding is illegal everywhere. You can be fined incredible amounts of money for pushing around. There is lots of elevation in California. It's nice to look out and see ocean. It's nice to look the other way and see mountains. I do not think I would like to live there. Ben Gibbard wrote a song about not understanding how you would want to live near LA. Ben Gibbard is skinny now. I saw him on Conan on the plane.
I don't like flying that much. It's nice to get across the country in four hours but it makes me feel sick and makes my ears pop a bunch. I saw the Rockies and the Grand Canyon from the plane. That was cool. I read a book and I am excited about reading again, which is good because I did not feel like it for a long time. I read Bret Easton Ellis'
Less Than Zero. I'm not sure how I felt about it. I would like to discuss the book with Peter and Anna. I started Vonnegut's
Breakfast of Champions. This is the only Vonnegut I've ever read. I think I feel alright about not having read Slaughterhouse yet. I like the one I am reading now.
I will post pictures soon. I have a lot of them. They are very tourist-ish. I think having a camera somewhere you've never been before makes the pictures automatically turn out tourist-y unless you're trying to take pictures of trash and bums. Or if you crop everything way down.
Indianapolis airport was the nicest one I was in. That's probably because it is so new. There was a store called "Pacific Outfitters". This is a weird shop to have in the Indianapolis airport.