This line is from a Fenix TX song. This song was stuck in my head all day the other day. I don't know why. Fenix TX was a shitty, juvenile pop punk band that got popular on Blink 182's coattails. They used to be called Riverfenix until his family threatened to sue. They also had a song about a big cock, as in a rooster. Fuck man, that's dumb.
Before I go into the next installment of my vacation, here is some more recent newz:
I've been playing Counter Strike. I have a cracked version that doesn't require Steam to play. If that means anything to you, you are a dork. I just have to play on specific servers that support non-Steam play. These guys/kids/children are all very good at this game. I haven't played in 7 years and thus, am terrible. The game is frustrating. Here is what it looks like:

My eternalbrah Peter used to call a similar game "War". I like that. I think my boss calls this game "Osama".
Here are some pictures from my phone. My phone has no backlight and barely functions as a phone. These are all mostly old.

This is a drawing I did. It's about if Fred Durst ruled his own universe.

This is Zach Holt. I'm not quite sure how we accomplished his Terminator eye but it's pretty rad.

This is a grey cat who is not my cat Gus. She was at Petsmart before I decided I needed a cat and she was very nice.

This is my real cat Gus. He's a pretty kewl little dewd.

This is one time after I woke my brother up really early and made him put this mask on so I could take his picture. He immediately went back to bed.

This is just some babe I know.
I just finished listening to an album by Algernon Cadwallader and Alice and Chains came on. I shut it off immediately but I felt pretty good about that first 5 seconds of Them Bones.
Okay, here's another day of California:

We forgot to bring CDs with us so we had to cop some from our uncle. I'm pretty sure only one (maybe two) of these are his. He has several older sons so I'm guessing that's how this... in there. This album sucks, by the way. The PJ and Neil Young were much more tolerable.

I-5 takes you straight along the coast all the way north and all the way south. This is in LA and clearly the best street in California.

Welcome to Six Flags Magic Mountain! Also known as...

Man, I hope you dudes know what this is. Here's another one:

Here's a parking lot shot of a few of the coasters.
Let me say a little about ol' Magic Mountain. It's inland. That means it's very hot there. It's also pretty much in a desert. Which is tight but, as stated, it's hot as shit. This particular Six Flags was in danger of going bankrupt due to gang violence in the parking lot. People (white people) were afraid to go. They cleaned up that problem and dropped ticket prices. That really just means that there's no more violence but white people still don't go. That explained why my brother and I were within the 5th percentile of non-Hispanics in the park. That includes black. I've never felt more like a minority in my life, which was actual pretty refreshing. I saw real cholos. Which I understand is a derogitory term, but you know what I mean when I say it. This:

Just more summer-appropriately dressed. I'm talking tear drop tattoos and everything. A lot of the younger kids seemed to have adopted the "scene" look. That or being punk by wearing hoodies (in 98 degrees) with Casualties patches on the back. Whatevz, it was cool and the coasters were a blast.

Overall, it was well worth the $27. Here's a view of the mountains that surround the park. There is also an eagle or a hawk or a buzzard or a stork.

On the way home, my brother made it very clear to that it was imperative that he try In-N-Out. This burger joint is the epitome of California to midwesterners, somehow. It's actual pretty legit because they only have three things on the menu (that aren't sides i.e. fries, shakes, 'n shit). Those are: Double double, cheeseburger, hamburger.

Here's Eric and his first of several double doubles throughout our trip. Apparently, they're delicious but I don't eat meat cuz I'm a vegetarianPUSSSSAY.
As stated in my prior entry, I got a nasty sunburn at Laguna Beach. As everytime I go to a beach, my sunscreen is washed off my feet and they get torched. This was no exception. Then, I walked a zillion miles through a theme park with 20 coasters or some shit. Needless to say, my feet took a serious beating in my shoes and caused the following carnage.
-CAUTION- This picture is gnarly and most I've shown have been thoroughly disgusted. But I'll leave you with the image.