Howdy, dudes and dudettes. It's been a while. I had a post started of my "best albums of 09" earlier last month but fuck that, it's abd. That's skate talk for "already been done". Anyway, here's a bunch of gay shit I've been up to.

This is an actual search string I used the other day. I got an emulator so I've been playing some serious NES. Fuck Burger Time anyway, Donkey Kong is where it's at.

Oh shit, 'sup Mario. Played this one? Didn't think so. Wrecking Crew.

Played this one? Doubt it. Devil World, released only in Japan and Europe due to its quasi-religious imagery and designed by Miyamoto himself.
Wait, what is tonight? Oh, Friday? What I am up to on the beginning of my weekend? Blogging and drinking beer and flipping things off.

Here's some shots of my "studio" and the art-related shit I've been doing seeing as how I'm graduating soon with my BFA in drawing. Christ.

My work space. That means the floor I covered with trash bags with all my supplies littered everywhere.

Baphomet playing Sega Genesis sketches.

Sneak peek at what I'm unleashing come May. That means any friends that read this, the first week of May is my senior show and you should set aside time to come because that would make me super happy. Details/postcards coming soon.

The best part about my "studio"? Beer cooler.

Studio practices.

Oh yeah, a few weeks ago I went up to Chicago to visit my infinite bros Kyle and Peter and Chase and go to some gay punk rock show. Here's the account of that. It is is no order.

Chris McCaughrhtnrhahna who is in some shit band called the Lawrence Arms played a bunch of pussy songs about women or some shit. I think at one point Kyle yelled something about him being a "skinny dick bich" or something. Heckling Chicago legends who are in your favorite band is pretty fun. Reaganomics played this show too and they ruled. They have songs about cats and how drinking is better than going to work and about college students being pussies for whining about homework and drinking light beers.

After waking up still drunk on Saturday, eating brunch at the Handlebar where I hair of the dogged it, Chicago style, with a tall boy Old Style, we hung out at Kyle's and watched Beavis and Butthead and Lionheart.

How do I manage to ruin every picture ever? Bros reunited!

This picture of Evan is so badass. I was blackout hammered by this point too.

"Don't tell my roomates what I'm pointing at."

Infinite dude!

Anna and Chase in "The Chair Incident".

Julian hung out and he picked some boogers.

Pff, digi cam? Get that shit out. iPhone izwhereitsat.

Piss shot.

The wealth that can be acquired working delivery shifts at China Ex.
I'll call this "A Formal Apology to Peter Kennedy Cavanaugh For Shoving A Camera In His Face All Night" or "Let's Play Death Chant Next Time".

So yeah, that was midwest Mecca, Chi-town. The next few are stragglers that are old and that I'm too lazy to move up to the top.

Konnyaku. I dare you to try this stuff. It's a gelatinous block made out of some phallic looking plant. The Japanese use it in soups and shit. It smells like death, tastes like nothing, and has the weirdest texture ever.

Cooler shot #2. The white labeled beer in the middle is Lone Star, native to Texas but I found it at Marsh with their lame new "mix-n-match 6 pack" bottles thing. I may move to Texas just so I can drink this stuff.
Alright, I'm done. L8r h8rs.