Brew choice for the night. $13.49 for a brick... -edit- I claimed it tastes better than Pabst but I cannot make such a blasphemous statement.

Somehow I knew living with Kyle, our fridge would end up looking like this.


Lou Dawg. Soon to be Washington D.C. resident. Good luck, dewd!

Textmaster, Foreverheart.

Bechtel used patriotism to wipe the table on Anna and I. He absorbed the power of the flag into his headband which then traveled to his hands.

Justin loves drinking!!!!

SPORTS! We'll cut some slack because it's the Olympics. Actually, watching the Olympics at a bar is pretty sweet.

Party time.


Babez with 'tude pt. deuce.
i've got to stop doing that eye bulge lurker thing
siq skirt
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