Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's 8:30. I've been up since 6:57 and at work since 7:30. I got my retribution when the girl called at exactly 7:30 asking for a laptop, which we had three of, and I told her no, unfortunately we don't have any. Small things like that can make being up so early, riding your bike in the rain to your stupid, worthless campus job worth it. It gives me a sort of power over our patrons that I like. You desperately want a laptop? You've checked every hour on the hour for the past three weeks straight? Man, I wish I could help. We just don't have anything in right now, except for three PCs and a Macbook Pro. I'm just not willing to help you out because you are OBNOXIOUS. Just buy your own goddamn laptop. I'm sure you have student loans or access to some other money that's not yours. Use that and save me the hassle of having to deal with you. I know what you're thinking, right? I'm employed at Ball State University, providing a free service to the other students of this campus. And I have had a work laptop for over a year. Yeah, so what. I lucked into the job, I get the computer. I deal with dumbasses on a daily basis, I get to bitch. Sheeeeit.

Last night was our first night at the new Doc's on Dill Street and its second night of being open. Isn't that a clever name? Alliteration? Shit yeah! I mean yeah right. So the name sucks and you know what else it means? All the people who, for whatever reasons, won't go downtown but still totally dig the "vibe" of the real Doc's will be there. That means bros who are really infatuated with Rastafarian culture, reggae, and above all else, weed. Essentially, dumb people. And the sluts who dress up on a Tuesday night to tag around with those assholes. And then the general Dill Street/Motini's/Chug/Locker Room riff-raff who wander in wasted. The whole time I was inside, I couldn't help but to feel my spirit being crushed. Here I was, in the bar that I have so many good memories (and where I have forgotten even more), and it's not filled with the people that I usually associate with it. So that was the biggest problem, obviously. Whatever, you can't expect a bar to change management and association and not change on the inside. But god dammit, they had better get something in there besides one keg of PBR that runs out after the first day, liquor, and a bunch of shitty ass bottled beer. I know it's a new bar, but christ! The most essential thing to me at a bar is cheap drinks, preferably dumpy, canned beer. Since Mo'z clozed we've been at the Chug, which I understand is probably one of the worst places on earth, but shit if they don't have $1.25 High Life and a good assortment of the beers that make me feel like a working man. Even the real Doc's has things I care to drink. Not to mention $1 wells on Tuesdays. These drink specials had better make their way to this scab of a bar called Do's. Get it? Pat coined that, so I give him his credit. Another thing they had were these god awful, heavy monster mug things. Six bucks for tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, and shitty Miller Lite? Not to mention, if you're wasted and you end up with one of those 1) you'll be way more wasted and 2) good luck holding onto that thing. I feel sorry for anyone who decides to hang out downstairs because of the inevitable hailstorm that will be those mugs. What else? Remember when I was talking about the Doc's crowd earlier? You know how the real Doc's manages to get that demographic into that bar? Shitty, shitty fake reggae, feel-good bullshit. So guess what makes it's way to Do's? Yeah. Not only that but they plan on having live music six days a week. What the fuck? Come on, seriously. Most live music in this town sucks so much ass, it's unbelievable. Do you really want these talentless hacks playing their awful original compositions and covers of the same songs you've been listening to all night? All night, six nights a week? For fuck's sake, I don't even want to think about it. Also, I heard talk of removal of the pool table. Hopefully they'll just cover it with a board or something and make it a hookah area. But seriously, what do they expect people to do. It's a bar and people need something else to distract them from the shitty music and even shittier conversation happening all around them. Why do you think the Chug has fucking skee-ball? With any luck, this place will close at 1. That would be the nail in the coffin.

I'm done. Seriously, I'm pissed off now and it's only 9. I didn't want to waste so much time complaining about that so I'd have some time to do my response to Kyle's "quirks" post. Whatevs. Another day, I suppose. Scotty's tonight. That should make up for it.

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